The 100th Sheep Ministries

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A Discerning Ear

by Norman H. Patterson Jr

Broken Critics

Stop listening to your critics and those who hate you. If anything, have compassion on them because they are broken themselves. They deal with their pain by finding fault with others. Their hearts are bitter and their minds clouded with negativity. Don't pay attention to them because they do not love you nor do they speak the truth in love.

Holy Healing

Only the Holy Spirit can convict you of sin. If He shows you something, deal with it. Go to Christ and confess it. Only God knows your heart and knows the truth. All we have as fallen human beings is our own limited perspective.

Faithful Friends

Don't ignore the faithful wounds of a friend either. (Proverbs 27:6) Listen when a brother or sister in Christ speaks the truth in love. The Bible even tells those who are spiritual to restore the fallen brother gently, lest they fall into the same sin themselves.

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Galatians 6:1

Wholly Loved

Removing yourself from the opinions of critics is an essential steps in the healing process. God loves you and wants you to be whole. He wants to have fellowship with you. It’s important to listen to His voice and not the voice of the haters.