
Photo Credit: www.KellyMaysPhotography.com

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Meet Norman Harold Patterson Jr

Norman has been a pastor for over 38 years. After going through a deep life crisis several years ago, he is determined to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all his being.

To that end, Norman has obeyed the call to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets of Connecticut and beyond. You will find him on any given day preaching in the streets of Hartford, West Hartford, Middletown, New Haven, Northampton, Massachusetts, and beyond.

He is a kind, creative, and sincere man. If you’d like to meet Norman, please get in touch with us. To read more about his experiences as a pastor, teacher, and church leader, please click below to see Norman’s Official Resume.

Norman holds to the Covenantal Presuppositionalism, the 5 Solas of the Reformation, and the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible. Two of his mentors and heroes of the faith are Dr. Cornelius Van Til and Dr. Greg Bahnsen, but his Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ!

Fill out the following form to get in touch with Norman.